Write for us

Would you want to share your life or business lessons with over three million monthly motivationalforus.com readers? We want new, high-quality material.

We want to include you if your advice will inspire our readers to achieve. Browse our categories and articles.

No sponsored guest posts for promotion. No do-follow links. Our authors create original, useful material. If you want to pay us for an article on our website, a link in our articles, or to write once for a backlink, you’re in the wrong place.

Please read our standards before submitting your story to us.

What We Are Looking For:

We encourage achievement and personal growth. We prefer self-development writings on motivation, success, inspiration, spirituality, and life. Startups/business and entrepreneurship articles are also good.

Our articles should be informative, intriguing, personal but not too personal, and positive. We wish to encourage our readers. Utilizing extended quotations and speeches to make your argument is not acceptable.

Article Guiding principle:

Make your article 800-1200 words. We want simple, impactful pieces. Above 1500 words will not be examined.

Limit article formatting while submitting. Prefer plain text. No underlining, bolding or italicizing. Our editors format articles. To make editing and formatting simpler, please submit the content without formatting.

Subheadings break up material and make it simpler to read. We want multiple-sentence lines. Submit your essay as paragraphs. Brief paragraphs simplify reading. Look at our recent articles on our website to understand how we structure our material.

Including photos is optional. Our formatting staff selects article-featured images. No need to search for a picture for your content!

What We Are Not Looking For:

We and our readers desire creativity. No pre-published material. We won’t evaluate anything published on your personal blog, LinkedIn, Facebook, or another outlet. Your article must be fresh and have never been published online.

PDF and HTML articles are rejected. Please submit articles in Google Docs in edit mode! Google Docs makes article reviews simple.

Link Policy:

Guest authors cannot promote or discuss a business, entrepreneur, product, service, or app/tool in their articles. We provide readers helpful advice, not promote you or the article’s author. If we publish your article, links will be deleted.

Author Bios may include two links. Provide a bio with a link. Social media links count as one. Use links strategically.

Would you want to share your life or business lessons with over 3 million monthly motivationalforus.com readers? We want new, high-quality material.

We want to include you if your advice will inspire our readers to achieve. Browse our categories and articles.

No sponsored guest posts for promotion. No do-follow links. Our authors create original, useful material. If you want to pay us for an article on our website, a link in our articles, or to write once for a backlink, you’re in the wrong place.

Please read our standards before submitting your story to us.

What We Are Trying to Find:

We encourage achievement and personal growth. We prefer self-development writings on motivation, success, inspiration, spirituality, and life. Startups/business and entrepreneurship articles are also good.

Our articles should be informative, intriguing, personal but not too personal, and positive. We wish to encourage our readers. Utilizing extended quotations and speeches to make your argument is not acceptable.

Article Guidelines:

Make your article 800-1200 words. We want simple, impactful pieces. Above 1500 words will not be examined.

Limit article formatting while submitting. Prefer plain text. No underlining, bolding or italicizing. Our editors format articles. To make editing and formatting simpler, please submit the content without formatting.

Subheadings break up material and make it simpler to read. We want multiple-sentence lines. Submit your essay as paragraphs. Brief paragraphs simplify reading. Look at our recent articles on our website to understand how we structure our material.

Including photos is optional. Our formatting staff selects article-featured images. No need to search for an article picture!

What We Are Not Interested In:

We and our readers desire creativity. No pre-published material. We won’t evaluate anything published on your personal blog, LinkedIn, Facebook, or another outlet. Your article must be fresh and have never been published online.

PDF and HTML articles are rejected. Please submit articles in Google Docs in edit mode! Google Docs makes article reviews simple.

Link Policy:

Guest authors cannot promote or discuss a business, entrepreneur, product, service, or app/tool in their articles. We provide readers helpful advice, not promote you or the article’s author. If we publish your article, links will be deleted.

Author Bios may include two links. Provide a bio with a link. Social media links count as one. Use links strategically.

After reading our instructions, submit your content to motivationalforus.com:

First, read and understand our criteria before submitting. If your article doesn’t follow the instructions above and below, we’ll ask you to resubmit it or reject it. Our editors and contributors save time by following our instructions and submitting your content.

Are you prepared to submit your article? This is how to proceed:

Send your finished draught, author profile, and email. A 100-word author bio should be concise. Include your first and last name in the bio. Your bio may include two links. Link to your website and one social media page. Choose. Choose your top two links. Add these to your bio before submitting.

Give your piece a distinctive working title. The reader initially sees the title. Keep your title welcoming while being original. Publishing reviews all titles. So, we will alter the title if we find one that is more appealing.

Thanks for reading our rules. We appreciate your interest in publishing on our website. We’re excited to evaluate your material!